Haas Alarm: 631 (M) PALLET NOT CLAMPED – Vertical Mills: APC-Pallet not clamped or home. Do not move X or Y axes until APC is in safe condition. One pallet is at home but the other is neither clamped nor at home. Locate the unclamped pallet and return to home if possible. If drive pin is engaged or pallet is partially clamped, go
to the lube/air panel at rear of mill and continuously press both white buttons in center of solenoid air valves while assistant pulls the pallet off the receiver. After correcting the condition, run M50 to continue machining.
Horizontal Mills: RP-Pallet not clamped. RP pallet change was not completed or the pallet was not clamped properly when a spindle command was given. After correcting the condition, run M50 to continue machining.