Haas Parameter 209 – COMMON SWITCH 2

COMMON SWITCH 2 Parameter 209 is a collection of general purpose single bit flags used to turn some functions on and off. The left and right cursor arrows are used to select the function being changed. All values are 0 or 1. The function names are: HORIZONTALWhen set to (1), the control identifies the machine as a horizontal mill. The control will then make the necessary adjustments, such as enabling the horizontal tool changer.RST STOPS T. C. UNUSEDTool changer can be stopped with the RESET button.ENA CONVEYOREnables chip conveyor, if machine is so equipped.50% RPD KBDWhen (1) the control will support the new style keyboards with the 50% rapid traverse key. For controls without a 50% rapid keypad set this bit to (0).FRONT DOORWhen enabled the control will look for an additional door switch and will generate an operator message.TC Z NO HOMEIn Horizontal mills only. This bit prevents Z-axis motion to machine zero prior to a tool change.M36 AUTO MOTIn Horizontal only. When set to (1), an M36 rotates the A-axis after the PART READY button is pressed.AUX AXIS TCIn Horizontal mills only. When enabled, means the tool changer carousel is driven by an aux. axis.SPIGOT KEY INVWhen (1) the commands to the conveyor motor are reversed so that forward becomes reverse. If the conveyor is wired incorrectly, this bit can be set so that the conveyor runs in the proper direction.T SUBROUTINEReserved for future use.SPIN Y ENCODERFor lathe only. When enabled, spindle encoder input is to the Y-axis.REV CONVEYORReverses the direction of the chip conveyor.M27-M28 CONVEYRUsually the chip conveyor motor and direction relays are attached to the user relays M21 and M22. When this bit is set, the control expects to see the conveyor hooked up to M27 and M28.RESERVEDGREEN BEACONWhen (1) user relay M25 us used to flash a beacon. If the control is in a reset state, the beacon will be off. If the control is running normally, the beacon will be steadily on. If the control is in a M00, M01, M02, M03 feedhold, or single block state, then the beacon will flash.CONVY DR OVRDWhen (1) the conveyor will continue to run with the door open. When (0) the conveyor will stop when the door is open, but will resume when the door is closed. For safety it is recommended that this bit be set to (0).DSBL CLNT INIf set to 1 low coolant input will not be used.DSC INP PRDiscrete pallet rotate/part ready; inputs enabled if set to 1.RMT TOOLS RLSIf set to 1, allows use of remote tool release button on spindle head.FLOPPY ENABLIf set to 1, enables the optional floppy drive.TCR KEYPADIf set to 1, enables tool changer to restore button on keypad.MCD RLY BRDIf set to 1, adds 8 additional relays, for a total of 40. These additional relays (M21-M28) become available on a secondary board, and are shown on the discrete outputs page.TSC ENABLEWhen set to 1, “DSBLE CLNT IN” bit is ignored, M24, M54 and M64 are disabled, and TSC will operate. When set to zero, the control functions normally.AUX JOG NACCDoes not allow accumulation on auxiliary axis jog.ALISM PRGRSTAlias M codes during program restart.DSBL JOG TSTDisables the encoder test for the jog handleAIR DR @ M24Used on horizontal mills only.UNDEFINEDP RDY @ Y160Used on horizontal mills only.SPNDL NOWAITWhen (1), the machine will not wait for the spindle to come up to speed immediately after an M03 or M04 command. Instead, it will check and/or wait for the spindle to come up the speed immediately before the next interpolated motion is initiated. This bit does not affect rigid tapping or the TSC option.

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