Haas Settings: 81 – Tool At Power Up

When the Power Up/Restart key is pressed, the control will change to the tool specified in this setting. If zero (0) is specified, no tool change occurs at power up. The default setting is 1.
Setting 81, will cause one of the following actions to occur during a Power-up/Restart:
A. If Setting 81 is set to zero, the carousel will be rotated to pocket #1. No tool change is performed.
B. If Setting 81 contains the tool #1, and the tool currently in the spindle is tool #1, and ZERO RET-ALL is pressed, the carousel will remain at the same pocket and no tool change will be preformed.
C. If Setting 81 contains the tool number of a tool not currently in the spindle, the carousel will be rotated to pocket #1 and them to the pocket containing the tool specified by Setting 81. A tool change will be preformed to change the specified tool into the spindle.

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